IRAdvantage Plus®

Underwritten by United of Omaha Life Insurance Company

IRAdvantage Plus® For Rollovers From
Tax-Qualified Retirement Plans or Other
Savings Vehicles

  • A conservative option to preserve tax-qualified retirement savings
  • Dependable income for a lifetime or a specified period

The IRAdvantage Plus series from United of Omaha Life Insurance Company helps fill critical gaps in personal financial planning - before, during and after transition to a new lifestage. It comprises three dynamic, contemporary products to help your clients customize their retirement strategy:

IRAdvantage Plus can help individuals continue deferring taxes on their retirement savings (e.g., from pension plans, profit-sharing plans, 401(k) plans, 457 plans, tax-sheltered 403(b) plans, or existing Traditional IRAs).1 It provides several options to grow or distribute savings.

Contact Us

For more information, or to request a quote on any of our group retirement products, please contact one of our regional sales managers. You may also request a quote by calling 1-800-843-2455 or by faxing a request to (402) 351-2176, Attn: Group Annuity Sales.
